So I was looking for some good sci-fi movies to watch. I had been in the mood for sometime now but just never seemed to make the effort to watch them. So I put a list together and decided that it was now and never.
The List
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- A Clockwork Orange
- The Abyss
- AI
- Alien
- Aliens
- Avatar
- Back to the Future
- Brazil
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind
- Contact
- Chronicles of Riddick
- Dark City
- ET
- Elysium
- Equilibrium
- Event Horizon
- eXistenZ
- The Fifth Element
- The Fly
- Galaxy Quest
- Gattaca
- Gravity
- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
- I, Robot
- Idiocracy
- Inception
- Independence Day
- The Iron Giant
- Jurassic Park
- Logan’s Run
- The Matrix
- Men in Black I & II
- Minority Report
- Moon
- Oblivion
- Pitch Black
- Planet of the Apes (1968 through 2001)
- Predator II
- Spaceballs
- Species
- Star Wars: I-VI
- Sunshine
- Surrogates
- The Time Machine (2002)
- They Live!
- Total Recall (1990 * ), (2012)
- Twelve Monkeys *
- Underworld
- Wall E